Opportunity Forum #4

The Kairos Opportunity Forum Goes Deep at the Florida Aquarium

Many of Tampa’s leading business owners, philanthropists, and community advocates enjoyed an exceptional evening in an awe-inspiring venue as we amplified two exceptional heroes.

Forum attendees met in the Coral Reef Gallery for beverages and light hors d’oeuvres as sharks, giant sea turtles, and a myriad of other underwater creatures swam by. We then convened on the Rooftop Terrace to hear from Kairos founders Roy Hellwege and Travis Jennings who provided a brief update on the progress being made by past Forum presenters.

Center stage was commanded by Kairos’ emcee and chief storyteller, Cal Fussman who introduced our featured Community Advocate, Keri O’Neil, Director & Senior Scientist, Coral Conservation Program at the aquarium. Keri delivered a powerful message about why saving reefs is essential to the health of our oceans and our planet. Visit this page to learn more and to support these vital efforts.

Cal then had a stirring and dramatic conversation with U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Derek Anderson. Derek and Cal gave us a close up look at the surprising human connections behind the heroic rescue of 12 Thai boys and their soccer coach from the flooded Tham Luang Cave in 2018.

The insights and wisdom Derek shared go straight to the heart of what the Kairos Exchange is all about: conversation, connection, consensus, and collaboration for causing permanent positive change in our community and beyond.

In the hour preceding the Forum, a special VIP event was held in MORPH’D, the aquarium’s newest space. Guests were treated to detailed updates from previous Forum Community Advocates including Dr. Joseph Dituri, the newly appointed Assistant Vice President for Veteran’s Clinical Research, University of South Florida. Dr. Dituri shared how his work treating and healing brain injuries will be accelerated in the facility he is in the process of creating at the university. 

We also heard from Bryan Stern who brought along a special guest, Kirillo Alexandrov. Kirillo was rescued by Bryan from a Russian prison two years to the day and his story was beyond inspiring. Bryan’s work is a testament to what is possible when people put the safety, well-being, and freedom of others before their own self-interest.

And Roy Hellwege provided an update on the American Cancer Society’s growing momentum through the efforts of CEOs Against Cancer while Travis Jennings rounded the VIP event off with an update on the country leading growth of Junior Achievement’s 3DE high school program.

Throughout the event, virtuoso violinist Nick Ewing nimbly moved from venue to venue providing an added touch of class and entertainment.

Stay tuned for news about our next Opportunity Forum on August 22nd at the Glazer Children’s Museum.

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